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Why Chiropractic Care?

True correction vs temporary pain relief


Although chiropractic is a great choice for simple pain relief treatment, true chiropractic care is so much more than that. It has the ability to have systemic long term benefits that affect all areas of health. Inner Sanctum Chiropractic specializes in this type of care. 

Traditional healthcare is focused on treating and managing symptoms, and chiropractic has a long history of providing symptom relief when previous healthcare strategies have failed.  This is because chiropractic care actually works to treat causes rather than symptoms.  A condition of the spine known as vertebral subluxation interferes with the body’s ability to communicate with and heal itself. It is a well-known fact that the brain and spinal cord control everything in your body, from large muscle groups down to every single cell.  The spinal cord is a communication highway from the body to the brain and the means from which every cell in the body utilizes on some level to communicate what is going on with the body.  Every body system, from vascular to endocrine and everything in between, has roots in the nervous system because it is all designed to relay information to the brain.  If there is a traffic jam or accident somewhere along the highway, such as vertebral subluxation, there is going to be a delay or misinterpretation of accurate information to and from the brain.  This results in the brain being unable to communicate effectively with the area and causes a dis-ease in the system.  Dis-ease is a state of a lack of ease, a state of dissonance, and an inability for the body to harmonize and work effortlessly. Prolonged dis-ease leads to disease states.

Specific, principled chiropractic care corrects causes by addressing subluxation in the body to restore communication highways to allow the body to heal itself. Just as with anything, it takes time and repetition to retrain the brain and body, but the results speak for themselves.

What does chiropractic treat?

Winsor autopsies- Dr. Henry Winsor at the University of Pennsylvania

All information taken from Winsor, H., Sympathetic Segmental Disturbances- 11. The Evidence of the Association in Dissected Cadaver of Visceral Disease with Vertebral Deformities of the Same Sympathetic Segments, Medical Times, 49 1-7 Nov. 1921!


Conducted 75 human and 75 cat autopsies to investigate the chiropractic claim that adjusting the spine could impact internal organs. Chiropractic made claims to relieve constipation, heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney disease, thyroid conditions, stomach troubles, ulcers, menstrual cramps and various other disorders. In his dissections, he discovered that there was nearly a 100% correlation between vertebral changes and internal organ disease.  A breakdown of each disease is listed below.

-heart disease- 20 cases- found upper 5 thoracic (T1-5) vertebrae misaligned

-lung disease- 26 cases- found upper thoracic spinal misalignments

-liver disease- 13 cases- found misalignments in mid thoracic spine (T5-9)

-gallbladder disease- 5 cases- found spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic spine (T5-9)

-thymus- 2 cases- found spinal misalignments in the lower neck and upper back

-stomach disease- 9 cases- found spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic spine (T5-9)

-pancreas disease- 3 cases- found spinal misalignments in the mod thoracic area (T5-9)

-spleen disease- 11 cases- found spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic area (T5-9)

-kidney disease- 17 cases- found spinal misalignments in the lower thoracic area (T10-12)

-prostate and bladder disease- 8 cases- found spinal misalignments in the lumbar area (L1-5)

- uterus disease- 2 cases- found spinal misalignments in the second lumbar vertebrae (L2) 

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